“I will sing of the loving kindness of the Lord forever; to all generations I will make known Thy faithfulness with my mouth” (Psalm 59:16).
The Chancel Choir at First Presbyterian Anaheim seeks to serve the needs of the congregation first in weekly worship services.
Through supporting congregational singing, readings, prayers as well as choral introits, anthems and closing benediction responses, our choir, under the direction of Dr. David Hughes, is an integral part of each service.
In addition to leading Sunday morning worship, the Chancel Choir brings several musical offerings to the community throughout the year.
Our choir is welcome to all who sing: Soprano, Alto, Tenor or Bass.
If “music reading” is a challenge, you’ll be happy to know that those who surround you are proficient, gracious and helpful to those who need musical help to learn our wonderful repertoire.
Contact the church office for more information – or just come to a rehearsal and check us out! All are welcome!